Sunday, June 5, 2011

pin yourself to the earth

Isn't that a cool phrase? "Pin yourself to the earth..."

I learned about this Native American (I forget which tribe exactly - I'll rewrite this later with more deatils) custom of wearing a long sash and a pin/stake into battle with the idea that the warrior would pin themselves in place while fighting - as in, they could not run away.

I learned about this via a Gord Downie song called "Pinned". He in turn learned about it from reading a book about Custard's Last Stand.

There's something romantic and outstanding about this idea... but also something totally ludicrous - to be so totally entrenched on an issue that you no longer have the freedom to change your mind... but maybe that's just how I see it because I don't stand for much...

I'm a try-to-see-it-from-all-sides person and that often leaves me without very strong opinions on issues. I mean, I DO have opinions but I'm never very willing to take sides strongly - because it is hard to know if you have all the facts straight and every circumstance is a little different...

Anyway, the one thing in my life I've always been sure of and proud of was my decision to marry my man. This love is the only thing I can really "pin myself to" and he's the only person I can truly say I would fight to the death for.

So I'm thinking I might get a little anniversary tattoo soon. Something like below. Small and simple, real traditional-looking.

Though it might work with the "pinned" idea better if it didn't go through the skin but right into it.

This is probably one of my all time favorite designs….originally from Jack Tryon ca. 1920. I am really happy that I was able to tattoo this one. thank you for looking  Bailey Hunter Robinson

I also really like the double-hearted dagger idea like in this tattoo done by Bailey H. Robinson (based on flash by Jack Tyron).

I think the dagger with two hearts is a pretty traditional piece of flash that lots of other people did/do. I just wanted to highlight this guy's work because I really like it and this was the first place I ever saw the double hearts. (So click on that there link for more tattoo-beauties!!!)

Anyway, undecided as of yet.

I think it makes more (personal) sense to me for it to tear the skin... plus I'm kinda into the skin-tears lately... but the double heart is more "elegant" and lovely...


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