I started a little painting of my own tattoos quite awhile ago and promptly failed to finish it until yesterday when I had some spare time.
All was going well, i was enjoying the results of my labour, until tragedy struck in the form of a loose-lidded ink bottle.
I soldiered through to completion anyway - though hurriedly - and doing so allowed me to get beyond the preciousness and restraint I'd been applying to the piece. (It was already ruined anyway so I couldn't hurt it any worse right? If I failed horribly now, all I had to do was throw it in the garbage.)
In the end, (I'm not saying I'm terribly happy with the finished product) I'm glad I tried to make something of it because I learned some things... maybe I should intentionally throw a bottle of ink on all my drawings when I'm halfway through... just to stir things up.

I rather like this rope.

I liked how it was looking right before "the incident". I had been planning to leave things more plain and open (without all the yellow and filler stuff) but once the red got everywhere I just started playing around. I suppose I could have played even more, gone much crazier... but I wanted to move on to something else.
Main lesson learned: ALWAYS screw down the lids of ink and paint bottles!!
Here's my arm, where the images all came from.
In less frustrating news, I have this completely "volunteer" tomato plant growing in my garden. I guess there were seeds in the compost from last year.
I've done nothing to help this tomato plant along except give it water....
...but it's actually bearing fruit... and lots of it... soon I'll have some ripe cherry tomatoes!
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