Friday, July 15, 2011

oh peas!

I adore my peas...

Last year I kept a whole blog about my "balcony farm". This year I moved to a new, smaller balcony so my garden was drastically reduced. Still, I got a bunch of lettuce, lots of green onions, and several herbs are "on the grow". There's also a sweet potato and two "volunteer" tomato plants (that sprung up from last year's compost I guess). Next year I think shall just grow a shit-tonne of peas. Peas are what make me the happiest out there.

OK. Maybe some cilantro too... oh... and a couple of sweet potatoes (just because they are pretty).

* * * * *

* The peas surpassed my make-shift lattice and went up the screen. That's probably going to be annoying to clean up...

* Today's harvest. More to come.

* Lung-like.

* Two peas. A pod. You know the deal.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!
    They're so scrunchy and sweet. I snitched 1 or 2 while I was house-sitting. There. That's it. That's my confession.
    ...and they were delicious!
