Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where I Live Now: Ottawa

Well, I moved to Ottawa. I didn't go alone - the man and the cats are here too. At first I wasn't too keen on the idea of moving here but this city is slowly growing on me, somewhat like a mold, but growing none-the-less.

I can't complain about the views in our new apartment. We look over Dow's Lake.

The sunsets are OK I guess...

I wasn't certain whether I would continue to blog. I haven't posted in over a month and I didn't hear an overwhelming outcry from my 4 or 5 readers. I briefly flirted with Tumblr but he dumped me for some 18-year-old fashionista who reblogs 100 pictures a day without crediting the artist. Good riddance I say.

But in the end I'm back because I can't resist sharing anecdotes of growing and scalping a Chia Pet with the internet world.

Oh yeah. There is a Tulip Festival going on in this city - right outside my windows in fact. There is absolutely no tip-toeing allowed though... sigh...


  1. Hmm, too bad to see you leave Guelph. I'll miss your drawing classes at the art store. All the best in the capital!

  2. i miss those classes already!
    yeah, we weren't super happy to leave guelph ourselves but the man got a good/permanent job up here so off we went. but we'll have to stay in touch via internet. i've been watching your blog and the recent paintings are great.
