Thursday, March 10, 2011

thoughts on old stuff

Anyone who knows me knows I love old crap and tend to collect a lot of it. I never set out to be this way - it is just in my nature and over time it's become "a thing" (but not a "hardcore, go-to-the-ends-of-the-earth-and-research-minute-details-thing"). I actually almost never go "antiquing" (though I do go into antique stores from time to time), I rarely buy, or even look for anything old from etsy or ebay (though I'm not morally opposed to it or anything), and I don't really collect one specific type of thing...

I'm more a thrift store type of gal. I like the hunt. When I do need something for a particular function, I'll usually try to find it secondhand first (for cost effectiveness and earth-friendliness). I like accidentally running into a neat old thing that excites my interest and glows with potential (especially when maybe other people can't see the potential until it is spruced up).

If I get an old thing, I will look up it's history and what it might be worth but not because I really think of getting the money out of the item - I just enjoy knowing. I learn a lot about history through being interested in items... that's what I like best. Old objects are story-tellers. New things are too but we already know the stories they tell because we live with them.

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