Thursday, June 17, 2010

shelf it

I'm not gonna lie. I'm pretty handy.

I'm sure a true craftsperson would shun my methods. I don't possess the tools or the know-how to make stuff in a professional manner... but I can make stuff look pretty cool without spending much money or having the proper tools. That's kind of like my super-hero power actually.Yay me! me me me me me!

Sorry, got a little carried away with the self-love there... but I'm pretty proud of my latest household project...

(Full disclosure: I do have a cordless drill that I love dearly - it's pretty much essential - we have concrete walls.)

I made this shelf as a place to display my doodles, artworks, found-objects, and works-in-progress.

The idea is to keep my art-projects and "inspirational-objects" up-front and in-sight to keep up my working-mojo. The problem is, I don't like things getting too messy. So this shelf, painted the same colour as the wall, is a storage/display space that can be changed constantly and easily. It's like a 3-dimensional sketchbook. That's the idea.

The other cool thing is that I made it from junk wood I found in the basement of our building. Man I love this building. It just gives and gives and gives!

As usual, you can click to biggify the image. Get in there and take a good look. Don't be shy.

And below is how the shelf looks currently. I acquired a few neat items from my sister on the weekend: an old Carnation Cookbook and some banged up Snooker balls. I also hauled my "Visible Man" out of storage because he is see-through, plastic, and awesome. I only gave him a heart when I made him because the other organs were kind of ugly and because I like to play God like that when I'm creating a man. I'm working on a star-painting based on the "hobo art" star I got at the "
Chat Noir" awhile ago. The poem, typed in red on my old typewriter, is "messenger" by Mary Oliver. I just discovered her recently and since I love hummingbirds and baking bread you can bet this poem resonated with me. You can (and should!) read it here.

Lastly, you need to see both the front and back to fully appreciate this cook book:


  1. cookbook is a hoot! I like the way the guy's stance on the back is identical to the gal's on the front. So gay. Am I allowed to say that?

  2. I knew you would find a way to use that old cookbook...hahaha!
