Last night was a special Life Drawing session where we did one long pose for 3 hours (with tea & cookie breaks of course!)
Frankly, I was very intimidated by the prospect and maybe that's why I conveniently forgot to bring any good quality paper. I couldn't commit to the effort of drawing one drawing for 3 hours. Thinking back to art school, I can't even remember doing poses that long... though I'm sure we probably did. I've just blocked it out.
Anyway, I did remember to bring some ink so I used part of the time to experiment with that. This was 30 minutes.

This was the last 30 minute chunk of time. Another small head! She was a very tiny person in real life but I turned her into a mountain... though maybe this reflects her personality a bit. She seemed strong and confident.
Hey Rhonda, uh, Lucks, great sketches. I love how you put your own personality into them.