Whew! Got busy, got out of the habit of blogging - but here I am again!
Tonight's arty project was long overdue - about 7 years overdue in fact.
I've had this small print made by my friend and amazing artist Warren Heise (here's his website) since we were at Sheridan together. I needed to frame it finally because I still think it looks as cool as the day I got it.
Over the years it's lived in various large books, staying nice and flat, waiting for this day. Every now and then I would rediscover it and think, "I should really frame this..."
Well, no more! That little sucker lives on the wall now!
I got the frame from Value Village and the mat is an off-cut from the art store. So altogether this project only cost about $6 (not that the print doesn't deserve to be professionally framed - but I can't afford that extravagance yet! ... also, I have a mat-cutter so making semi-decent-home-framing is possible).


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