Here's a thing I made after I saw one on the Inspire Me Now tumblr and followed the link to the instructions at site, George Hart's website. It has to do with math and stuff... but I just thought it looked neat.
Apparently, "the form derives from the third stellation of the rhombic dodecahedron..."
OK. Thanks George!
Anyway, I had to make one... (something to do while watching my poor hockey team lose their shit.)
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In progress, fractal moose:
Completed, and sitting with some other novelties:
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I used the face cards to make my card sculpture.
Some interesting relationships in the Royal Courts were revealed in the process...
In the land of Clubs the king is suffering unrequited love... but not from his wife:
The king of Hearts doesn't have the same problem... and the queen is pissed:
Everyone's lovin' everyone under the sign of the Diamonds:
...but there is no love at all in Spade-town:
So, this was fun. Try it yourself... if you like puzzles...
Fun! I picture a bunch of these hanging from a garland or used as christmas ornaments....or year round ornaments...