Last weekend I had a day that started with this:

Included this:
And ended with this:
And I call that a "good day"...
1. A double-yolker egg. I always read these as a good omen of fun times ahead. I assign superstitious meanings to random events in my life all the time. I once read that this is actually a mental disorder - but it's kind of fun so I remain happily undiagnosed.
2. This stack of post-bread-baking-bowls reminded me of an Aardvark... and I feel it is important that you know that.
3. A friend's baby's first time in a lake. Splashing!
4. Driving home from the lake we witnessed a Cat-Versus-Skunk-Stand-Off. We actually turned the car around to go back and watch it. Our viewing ended with the skunk running away, the cat in hot pursuit. Sort of a Reverse-Pepe-LePew-Situation. I imagine that it still ended badly for the cat...
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