Just another Life-Drawing-Night-Update. We know the drill right? On Monday nights I go to the local art school, unlock the door, make coffee, and set out cookies. Then I get to draw for 3 hours with all the good people who paid for this privalege. Afterwards I turn out the lights, set the alarm, lock up, and go home. The next day I post some of pictures on here. I only post the ones I like or at least have some interesting little bits in them. That's my prerogative and I'm sticking to it. It's a pretty sweet deal.
I'm glad I've been taking pictures and posting these here because it turns out I'm going to be moving soon - chances are to a smaller apartment. I won't be taking these reams of papers and charcoal with me so this has become my little archive.
By the way, if you want a distorted human drawn on newsprint that will turn yellow in a few months and will shed charcoal dust on your floor, I'm your lady! Holla' at me.
So, on with the show...
2 minute gesture:

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