FUN FINDS from the thrift store today:
- a framed movie poster of Singing in the Rain. I was attracted to this because it's a classic movie I enjoy, bonus the nice poster frame (glass) in great condition, then I noticed that it was autographed by Debbie Reynolds... all for a $7 price tag! I was sold.
I love that she signed it "Keep Dancing". Sage advice.
(I found a bunch of images of her autograph online and I'm pretty sure it's real... not that I think it's worth money or anything... I just think it's neat - especially since, if you know the history of this movie, Reynolds initially had some trouble with the dancing.)
- also a nice teapot... because after singing in the rain you'll need a spot of throat-soothing tea.
I liked the shape and colour, it has a stamp on the bottom I can't make out but I think it's old... but the thing that got me was the weird hole in the spout. I thought it might be for stopping that annoying tea-pot-drip-problem. 5 bucks was not a big enough barrier to keep me away from a possible dripless-teapot. I had to bring it home!
Verdict, if you pour slow at the end, no drip!
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