I had a surprise visit from one of my sisters and her friend the other day. Went out for lunch at a great, little vegetarian place here in Guelph called The Cornerstone. My meal was delicious - the only thing missing was meat. hahaha...
Anyway, the restaurant is right beside an antique store so I had to peek in at Dis-a-Ray's. The owner, Ray, always cracks me up when I go there.
I purchased these two hand-painted signs. I forgot to ask where they came from but I have a guess (an old department store further down the street?). There were two others but I only wanted these two to make a headboard-thing for my bed.
See below:

(It's a bit of an inside joke... I sleep on the left, always cold and covered with many blankets. Freakishly-Furnacelike-Husband sleeps on the right below an open window with only a sheet and a pillow. There, now it's an "outside joke"... not a very funny one... but I need you to know my quirks have their own interior logic.)
Life-drawing has started back up. I got pretty rusty over the holidays and didn't end up with any drawings I'm particularly proud of.. but here are the highlights anyways...
These are both from the long pose at the end. I didn't have the attention span (or any nice paper) for the pose so I just flitted around and did a bunch of shorter drawings. These two almost fit together.
I think the next one was 10 minutes... that's a pretty long time to not get to her head and arm drawn - shows how slow I am at drawing! But anyway, I thought there was some nice stuff happening in the inner thigh area. hahaha. That sounds suggestive but I'm serious.
This one was also 10 minutes and done in pencil for a change of pace.
I was happy with the outline and I think I actually got her to recede from the heels to the head... I'm generally not very good at that but I think I'm getting better.
Aesthetically, I kind of like how she slips into the fold of the paper at the top but I wish I hadn't run out of room (and time) to draw her hands. They looked interesting.