The painting below/right in the photo-triptych has been languishing around the house almost-done for awhile now. I couldn't figure out quite how to "finish" it. Today I applied some more paint to it, promptly washed it all off again, and declared it "done".
The painting was inspired by this weird thing I picked up at a local antique store that was labeled as "hobo art". Hobo Art is a real, collectible type of art/craft which I don't happen to collect... but this was just such a strange little item... I totally fell in love with it.
It's made of string wrapped meticulously around a star shape with a photo of what I presume to be a hobo in the middle. It is a little bit like a Christmas ornament or something.
The painting is kind of a mash up of the star shape and the colours of a quilted pillow I made back in 2001. It has no meaning (yet?) except that I thought it would look cool and it kindof resonates with this one.
As always, you can click for biggerness.

Here is another weird thing I found recently and just had to squirrel away in my nest of curiosities. It is a miniaturized package of herbicide encased in plastic. I have a general fondness for anything floating in plastic and have a bit of a collection - back in the art school days I even encased mementos in resin and plaster myself!
Little, plastic tombs...
Anyway, I thought this was funny because the other things I have are all kind of "dignified" items and this was just... odd. Plus, the herbicide controls for "quacksgrass and nutgrass" and heaven knows we always need to be on guard for quacks and nuts!!