I finished another dot on the polka-dotted-embroidery-sampler-of-stuff-i-like-project last night. Appropriately, I did this while watching play-off hockey... Flyers won the series, as I wished for.
The Stanley Cup will go to either The Hawks or the Flyers (an original-6 against a 67-expansion team - so both kind of ol'timey... at least there will be no teal sweaters in the mix!) .
I don't care that much about either team but they were both my "favourites" in their respective conferences since my Penguins went out soooo... I'm kind of neutral/happy about either of them winning.
I think the Hawks will take it but I'm leaning towards cheering for Philly just because they picked up their conference trophy and had such a cool come-back against Boston.
I don't really know exactly why I'm so into hockey these days... but here are some of the factors: part boredom/hobby, part Canadiana, part liking to watch men in competition-mode because, frankly, it's hot, part having something to talk about with "everyman", part interest in the psychological phenomena around sport, part liking the outfits, and so on...
This ol'timey player is from an old Starr Skates advertisement.

Late Edit: After mulling it over some more... i decided to go back to my initial pick from when the Penguins got put out. I'm cheering for the Hawks. I'm glad Philly beat Montreal but I just can't cheer for the Guins' cross-state rivals. It would be wrong - even if I do secretly like their outfits better...
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