Last night was "Drink and Draw" here in Guelph-town. I can't believe how highly concentrated with working artists and illustrators this town is!
This lil' armadilla was my favourite drawing (that I did) of the night. You should see some of the other stuff! Hilarious!
I cranked up the contrast and down the brightness in Photoshop just for fun. I like it this way because it looks like the critter is shuffling through a Texan sunset.
I once did a cheesy, online, "what-animal-R-U?" quiz and it turns out I'm a nine-banded armadillo.... since then I've had a fondness.
Surprisingly, despite their looks, these armadillos can jump quite high. 4 feet vertical! Tragically, this interesting feature is also the most common reason they die... when cars drive over them, they startle and jump straight up into the engine. Poor fellas.

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