Oh my... time flew... I accidentally got sucked into the olympic-viewing-vortex. Unplanned. I'm not even into any of these sports normally (except hockey) but after discovering that everything was streaming online I got into the daily habit of tuning in whilst working. It's become my constant companion. I'll miss it when it's gone... buuuuut I'll also be relieved because caring about ice-dance really gets in the way of things like sketch-blogging and having an actual social life. (Truly though, Virtue and Moir were dreamy. I hope they get married and have little ice-dancing babies.)
(OMG! Some ski-crosser just lost both her poles!)
I've returned to knitting as a something to do with my hands while watching the big O in the evening. Below is my first attempt at "fair isle". It's going quite well so far. Hopefully I'll make it through this project without ripping it all out like I normally do. Hopefully this will turn into the "owl cowl" you can see in the pattern there.

(She made it down the hill by the way - but didn't qualify.)
Another thing that has been eating up my drawing-time is this "Business" I'm starting with some "Partners". I think I'll keep it top-secret for now... not because it is actually top-secret... just to add some mystery to this here blog. Anyway, I'm feeling all entrepreneurial (which is very rare for me)! This other biz-nit is not art related; once it's up and running I'll be mainly doing art-stuff still.
On my travels to the bank (while being a top-secret-entrepreneur) this morning, I crossed paths with a consignment store that is going out of business. I scored the dress below for $2! It is a homemade job but could have been tailored specifically for me (I took a $2 chance and bought it without trying it on). I love the small detail of the red, polka-dotted fabric on the inside. I take this good fortune as the universe's blessing on my "business endeavor".
It's a little plain. I think it might look cool with something silk-screened on it in an interesting way.